Thursday, June 09, 2005

Knock that pain right out of your.....

It has been a great day getting rid of pain. Today I treated some staff members at a major clinic here in the town where I live.
My first patient had surgery on his foot a few weeks ago having the screws removed from his ankle. There was not much pain but he complained that his range of motion in the ankle was poor and was accompanied by stiffness. I began by rapping the ankle between 2 small carbon electrodes on either side to reduce the pain and then adding two medium suction cups. One on the front of the foot and the other just below the calf muscle. When the placements were complete I programmed the machine for pain and neuromuscular reeducation and started the intensity. After the treatment there was a significant improvement with his range motion.
My second patient suffered from major shoulder pain and stiffness. Her pain scale was at about 6 with 0 being no pain and 10 being worst pain. I did a simple placement by placing the suction cups around the shoulder area in a criss cross pattern. I then programmed the machine and started the intensity. After the treatment her pain scale went down to a 1 and she felt great.
The third patient suffered from a sprained wrist. By placing the adhesive electrodes to his palm, the front of the hand, and just above the wrist on both sides and increasing intensity to strong but comfortable tolerance he received a considerable amount of relief and was still able to use his computer while being treated.
Though I have not gone into full detail of the treatment you get the idea that the patient staff received considerable relief of their pain. You are also able to see that the machine can treat a number of different indications.


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